Step 1 - Creating A webhook for Dynatrace
Visit the Webhooks page in Binalyze AIR,
Click the "+ New Webhook" button in the upper right corner,
Provide a self-explanatory name,
Select "Dynatrace Webhook Parser" as the parser for this webhook,
Select an Acquisition Profile when the trigger activates this webhook,
Select the Ignore option or leave with its default value (defaults to 24 hours for recurrent alerts for a single endpoint),
Provide other settings such as Evidence Repository, CPU Limit, Compression & Encryption to use or let AIR configure them automatically based on the matching policy
Click the "Save" button
Step 2 - Creating the Integration Settings in Dynatrace
In the Dynatrace menu, go to Settings > Integration > Problem notifications,
Select Add notification, and a drop-down sub-menu appears,
Display name This is the freeform name of this integration that will be displayed in Dynatrace on Settings > Integration > Problem notifications after finishing this configuration.
Webhook URL The WebHook URL that you created in Step 1,
Custom payload Once a problem is detected or resolved, this customizable payload is pushed through an HTTP POST to AIR,
Optional Turn on Accept any SSL certificate,
Optional Turn on Call webhook if new events merge into existing problems,
Assign an Alerting profile,
Select Send test notification to make sure your webhook integration is working,
Save changes.
Last updated
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