Binalyze AIR Console Migration Procedure For 2-Tier Installation

Before you start


It is highly recommended to make a backup using the Binalyze AIR Console Backup Procedure.

To activate the Consolidated Report feature, it is necessary first to update the Docker before starting to update the Binalyze AIR Console. It will be sufficient to run the script we have prepared for the Docker update and the necessary changes to be made in the docker-compose.yml file. (Details are specified below)


If you have a Custom Network or Syslog configuration, or Offline License Server, it should be added manually to the docker-compose.yml file afterward.

Allow 5432/TCP port access between the App Server and DB Server for PostgreSQL.

This update brings with it the need for new port access.

  • Allow 5432/TCP port access between the App Server and DB Server.

2-Tier Systems With Internet Access


In order to run the migration script successfully, the Binalyze AIR Console Database and Application Server machines must be able to access address.

There are some manual activities that need to be done in both the Database server and the Application server separately. These activities are explained in detail below accordingly.

Database Server

  1. Use a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY to connect to the CLI of the Binalyze AIR Console Database Server via SSH.

  2. Navigate to the AIR folder (/opt/binalyze-air-db by default) by executing the following command:

cd /opt/binalyze-air-db

3. Stop containers by executing the following command:

docker-compose down

4. Run the following command on Binalyze AIR Console Database Server to download and execute the migration script:

curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s

5. The installation script will give you 2-line command. Copy and save it for the Binalyze AIR Console Database Server upgrade phase.

6. Run the following command to validate the docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose config

6. Run docker ps command to check if the data-master container is in a healthy state. The output should be as follows:

Application Server

  1. Use a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY to connect to the CLI of the Binalyze AIR Console

Application Server via SSH.

2. Navigate to the AIR folder (/opt/binalyze-air by default) by executing the following command:

cd /opt/binalyze-air

3. Stop containers by executing the following command:

docker-compose down

4. Run the given commands Binalyze AIR Console Application Server (DB Server migration step 5):

5. Run the following command to validate the docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose config

6. Run docker ps command to check if the containers are in a healthy state.

2-Tier Systems With No Internet Access

There are some manual activities that need to be done in both the Database server and the Application server separately. These activities are explained in detail below accordingly.

Database Server

  1. Download the offline installation package to your computer from the links below:

2. Use a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY to connect to the CLI of the Binalyze AIR Console

Database Server via SSH.

3. Upload the offline installation package to the Binalyze AIR Console Database Server.

4. Navigate to the directory where the installation package was uploaded.

5. Extract the contents of the offline installation package and navigate to the directory by executing the following command:

tar zxf binalyze-air-setup-ubuntu.tgz cd binalyze-air-setup cd migration-scripts

6. Start the migration process by executing the following command:

sudo -E bash ./

7. The installation script will give you 2-line command. Copy and save it for the Binalyze AIR Console

Database Server installation phase.

8. Run docker ps command to check if the data-master container is in a healthy state. The output should be as follows:

Application Server

  1. Download the offline installation package to your computer from the links below:

2. Use a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY, to connect to the CLI of the Binalyze AIR Console

Application Server via SSH.

3. Upload the offline installation package to the Binalyze AIR Console Application Server.

4. Navigate to the directory where the installation package was uploaded.

5. Extract the contents of the offline installation package and navigate to the directory by executing the following command:

tar zxf binalyze-air-setup-ubuntu.tgz cd binalyze-air-setup cd migration-scripts

6. Run the given commands on the AIR Console Application Server (DB Server migration step 7):

7. Run docker ps command to check if the containers are in a healthy state.

Post-migration Tasks

Check that the Migration is Completed Successfully

You can check whether the migration process is successful by using the actions below:

  1. Go to https://<AIR_ADDRESS>/api/app/info

  2. Check the consoleVersion and posgresEnabled values of the output. It should be:

    • "consoleVersion":"3.5.1 or 3.6.x"

    • "postgresEnabled":true

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