Collecting Binalyze AIR Responder Log Files
Binalyze AIR Responder Log Files
Binalyze AIR Responder categorizes and stores the log files as nine separate files as listed below. All associated log records are stored in the related log file.
The log files that are generated by Binalyze AIR responders are stored under the directory that is given below.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Binalyze\AIR\agent
By using the command line interface
Log in directly or connect remotely to the asset that Binalyze AIR responder is installed on by the appropriate remote device management tool
Browse to the directory which is mentioned above according to the associated operating system
Download the files or view the contents of the files with relevant tools.
By using the user interface
Select the Assets button on the left of the main console menu
Select the asset from which AIR responder logs are required
Select 'Logs' from the bottom of the secondary menu
Click on the 'Collect Logs' icon in the main Assets Logs page
This action creates a Task for collecting logs. After this log retrieval task is finished, the Task status will be changed to Completed, and it can be downloaded by clicking the icon on the right side of the green Completed bar. All available log files will be compressed as a single zip file and can be downloaded.
The Log Retrieval tasks can also be accessed in the Tasks section.
Last updated