Regex in AIR/DRONE:

When performing keyword searches in DRONE, you can leverage regular expressions (POSIX regex) for more flexible and advanced search capabilities. Here’s how it works:

1. Regex Search Format:

To use regex, your keyword must be enclosed between / / slashes. For example:

  • /\d+/ – This will search for one or more digits.

  • /[a-z]+/i – This will search for one or more lowercase letters and is case-insensitive (thanks to the i flag).

You can also include optional flags at the end of the regex to modify its behavior:

  • g: Global (search all occurrences).

  • m: Multiline (match across multiple lines).

  • i: Case-insensitive (ignore letter case).

  • s: Dot matches newline (dot . will match any character, including newlines).

Example: /[A-Z]+\d+/i – This will match sequences like "ABC123" or "abc123" regardless of case.

If your search contains wildcard patterns like *? (indicating lazy quantifiers), it will be treated as a wildcard search instead of a regex search.

  • For example, abc*? will match "abc", "abcd", "abcxyz", etc.

If your input doesn’t match the regex format and doesn’t contain wildcard symbols, DRONE will perform a case-insensitive "string contains" search.

  • For example, searching for example will return results containing "example", "Example", or "EXAMPLE".

Last updated